A Word from Joel - January 22, 2025
Dear Covenant,
I’ve been back from Costa Rica for a week now. The first picture is sunrise as we departed Costa Rica early Tuesday morning. The second I took as our plane was descending to Columbus at sunset. One journey ending and another one is just beginning. The world is larger for me now. We made relationships with people who hear Jesus’ words to “Take up your cross and follow me” as more than a metaphor. It’s a lived reality for them. While I may preach about how the kingdom of God is opposed to the kingdoms of this world, never has my faith put me in any real danger. For some of the people we met, their trust in the kingdom of God has come at a real cost. It’s both humbling and inspiring. Perhaps my suburban faith has made me too comfortable. I don’t know for sure, but I do know this: the call of Christ to take up our cross means living in solidarity with those who are suffering and who bravely resist the powers of injustice, exclusion, and hate. As our country honors the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this week, we remember his witness to the Beloved Community that the powers of this world tried to extinguish. Nevertheless, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it (John 1:5).
This week, I’m taking study leave to sermon prep for the year as well as working on a grant proposal for 2026. I’ll be back on Sunday, preaching a familiar text with fresh eyes. I can’t wait to see you.
One Struggle to Love,
Pastor Joel
I’ve been back from Costa Rica for a week now. The first picture is sunrise as we departed Costa Rica early Tuesday morning. The second I took as our plane was descending to Columbus at sunset. One journey ending and another one is just beginning. The world is larger for me now. We made relationships with people who hear Jesus’ words to “Take up your cross and follow me” as more than a metaphor. It’s a lived reality for them. While I may preach about how the kingdom of God is opposed to the kingdoms of this world, never has my faith put me in any real danger. For some of the people we met, their trust in the kingdom of God has come at a real cost. It’s both humbling and inspiring. Perhaps my suburban faith has made me too comfortable. I don’t know for sure, but I do know this: the call of Christ to take up our cross means living in solidarity with those who are suffering and who bravely resist the powers of injustice, exclusion, and hate. As our country honors the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this week, we remember his witness to the Beloved Community that the powers of this world tried to extinguish. Nevertheless, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it (John 1:5).
This week, I’m taking study leave to sermon prep for the year as well as working on a grant proposal for 2026. I’ll be back on Sunday, preaching a familiar text with fresh eyes. I can’t wait to see you.
One Struggle to Love,
Pastor Joel

Posted in Do good, Jesus is Lord, Lord, Messiah
Posted in costa rica, Bible, Martin Luther King Jr., travel
Posted in costa rica, Bible, Martin Luther King Jr., travel
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