Come sing with us! Join us Thursday evenings at 7 pm as we rehearse, "The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass" by Carol Barnett! We will perform this major work with a professional Bluegrass band on Sunday, December 8th at 10 am. Contact Cherie Brooks with any questions.

Chancel choir will meet on WEDNESDAY, OCT 30 instead of THURSDAY, OCT 31.
The Spiritual Development and Adult Learning Commission supports most of the adult Christian education at Covenant.  

Welcome Home 2024 Slideshow

Thank you to everyone who made this year's "Welcome Home" event so fun, and so WELCOMING! The food was delicious, the music was amazing, and the company was top tier. 

Come RING with us!

Our Campanille Bells ring once a month.  If you would like to substitute ring with us OR are looking to join an outstanding bell ensemble, call us at (614) 451-6677 or email us at and ask for more information.  We will give you a list of this year's dates, pieces, and more information, and will contact you promptly. Rehearsals are Tuesdays 6:45-7:30 PM, and services are Sundays at 10 AM, with an earlier report time for warm-up. Come ring with us! 

Women’s Circles 

Covenant Presbyterian Women’s Circles meet for fellowship and discussion.
·        1st Tuesday at 7:00 pm in either Room 120/individual homes/via Zoom, Elizabeth Circle,  Mona Connolly, moderator
·        1st Wednesday at 9:30 am in the Church Lounge, Eunice-Lydia Circle, Susan Imel, moderator
·        3rd Monday, at 10 am in the church lounge, Deborah Circle, Lynn Elliott, moderator
Other circles:

·        Every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Mission Sewing, Diana Sanders
·        2nd and 4th Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Lounge, Prayer Shawl Circle, Louise Davidson and Nancy Davidson
These groups are filled with  welcoming and inclusive women! Consider joining one today.
For more information about CPW circles and activities, contact the 
Covenant Church Office.

Get Involved - Community Outreach!

Hoge Presbyterian Church offers the HM3 program every Saturday for its community in Franklinton including Music, Message, and a free Meal.  Area churches assist with the Meal, and Covenant creates and serves a hot, home-made meal every 3rd Saturday.

VBS 2024!

We had a wonderful week welcoming children and families to Camp Firelight at Covenant Presbyterian Church! A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped build, decorate, teach, tell stories, play, feed, sing, craft and dance with the children! It was so much fun the kids were begging for another week!

Honoring Covenant’s High School Seniors Matthew Lederer & Adrienne Wise

There’s joy deep in my heart today,
I want to sing and cheer and shout!
My graduation comes at last!
A time to face with love, with doubt.

My future lies in front of me,
I search to find the way ahead.
Until I reach the simple path,
Lit by the light, where God has led!

In God’s hands I find my courage!
In God’s hands compassion blooms!
In God’s hands grace shines before me
And God’s mercy ever looms!

Sarah E Starr / Spring, 2024
Congratulations from Nurture & Outreach Commission!

COSTA RICA - Mission Trip!

We are going to see what our PC(USA)mission co-workers, Mark Hare and Jenny Bent, are doing. They serve on a team at the Latin American Biblical University focused on climate justice and ecological sustainability.Our dates are set: 1/7-1/14, 2025. The agenda includes an introduction to the local community, to environmental struggles in the rural area, to faith communities in Costa Rica, and to reading the Bible in Latin America. We are going to see what God is doing, and to see where we might be invited to engage and develop ongoing relationships. For more information contact Beth Askue or Susan Imel or come to our next organizational meeting Sunday, June 23, at 11:15 in Room 120. 

Women's Theology

Members of Women’s Theology will meet on the first and third Fridays to continue discussing Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels.

New participants are always welcome. Meetings are held on Zoom, so check with
Susan Imel or Louise Davidson for information and to join the discussion the first
and third Fridays each month from 9:30 - 11 am.

Need a ride? 

Covenant Deacons offers rides to members who need transportation to church functions, doctor's appointments, etc.  Please call the church office, 614-451-6677, to let them know that you are in need of transportation and any information you think we will need.  The office administrator will call the Deacon in charge and the Deacon will call you to set up your ride. 

Israel & Palestine

As violence escalates in and around Israel/Palestine, PDA is providing humanitarian assistance through partners on the ground and through ACT Alliance.  PDA has approved solidarity grants and will continue supporting our partners providing humanitarian assistance. Our response efforts will encompass a wide array of vital humanitarian interventions, including but not limited to medical supplies, shelter, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), food and non-food items and delivering crucial psychosocial support to individuals.

For more information and to give:

To support our response, designate gifts to DR000081-Israel/Palestine


The Board of Deacons would like to supply meals to members during recovery from medical treatment or in an emergency. We are looking for volunteers to help meet this need. Would you like to join a group of Covenant members willing to prepare and deliver a meal for a member in need? It is expected that no one would prepare more than one or two meals per year. Click to volunteer!
Freedom a la Cart provides a $15 toiletries bag to women who are being released from jail. Covenant members have been generous with support for these bags. We realize the need is still there and are asking for donations to continue this effort. If you wish to contribute, please make checks payable to Covenant and indicate "human trafficking toiletry bags" on the memo line. 


We all have been challenged to raise awareness of human trafficking, a multi-billion dollar business second only to drug trafficking. For many years, Covenant members have been supporting programs for women who are trying to recover their lives especially through CATCH Court's program and Freedom a la Cart. Each month, we take lunch for 55 people to CATCH Court on the first Thursday. We invite you to attend Court, providing food for lunch and staying to observe the Court in session. It is also possible to help serve lunch and return to church rather than staying.


The Prayer Shawl Circle has been knitting and crocheting shawls for over 17 years. Sometimes not every bit of the three skeins of yarn is used. The Circle is offering the leftovers to anyone who might like to knit a pocket prayer shawl. Yarn and directions are available. Check with Louise Davidson. 

Volunteers Needed!

Do you like technology? Do you enjoy photography or videography? Would you like to help make our worship run smoothly, and learn new things?

Join the Covenant Tech Team! See Brian Biller after worship, or at 9:10 AM before worship any Sunday! He will get you started! You can send him an email, too: Email Brian Biller


Covenant has Centering Prayer practice on Thursdays at 8:30am in the Lounge. The first 15 minutes will be an informal gathering with the practice beginning at 8:45 for 20 minutes. Centering prayer is a method of meditation that places a strong emphasis on interior silence. We allow ourselves to be totally open to God, learning how to gently release attention away from our inner thoughts.

Sanctuary Flowers

Sign up for flowers to be placed in the sanctuary for Sunday worship to honor loved ones, a special occasion, or just to the glory of God. The dedication information will be listed in the Sunday bulletin.

Prayer Chain

Contact Laurie Johnson if you would like to join the members and friends of Covenant who pray for those requesting our prayers. The prayers will be relayed to you via email from Mike Davis. It is asked that you include the prayer request in your daily prayers for a week. To submit a prayer chain request, please click below  and include what you would like included in the request.