Covenant participates in the Habitat NW Partnership Adopt-a-House by helping to finance and build 1-2 new houses a year.

A three-day supply of food is delivered to households headed by homebound adults who are not able to get to a walk-in food pantry.

On the second Saturday of each month, Covenant volunteers make breakfast for families in this home-away-from-home while their child is receiving treatment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital right across the street.

Covenant serves TOS in three ways: 1) On the 2nd Friday of the month, volunteers make sack lunches and deliver them to The Open Shelter 2) On the 2nd Monday, we join volunteers from TOS to pick up litter in that Southside neighborhood 3) We advocate with other organizations to gain sustainable funding for TOS's Free Bus Pass program.

Located on Covenant property, the garden provides almost a ton of fresh produce to local food pantries. It includes a vegetable garden, fruit orchard and herb garden.

To acknowledge our use and singing of spirituals of enslaved African people, we will make a royalty donation yearly to the King Arts Complex.
Inspired by the United Parish in Brookline's "The Negro Spiritual Royalities Project."
Inspired by the United Parish in Brookline's "The Negro Spiritual Royalities Project."

Hoge Presbyterian Church offers the HM3 program every Saturday for its community in Franklinton including Music, Message, and a free Meal. Area churches assist with the Meal, and Covenant creates and serves a hot, home-made meal every 3rd Saturday.

Covenant volunteers serve lunch the first Thursday of each month to survivors of human trafficking who are part of the CATCH program. Through this two year probation court, women are given services, support and encouragement to restore their lives.