A Word From Joel - November 20, 2024
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Yesterday, I was elected and installed as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Scioto Valley for 2025, and Covenant served as host church. What a blessing! After 8 years of ordained service in this Presbytery, I am honored to help lead our 86 churches over the next year. In preparation for this undertaking, I went to the Moderator’s Conference at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville last week. This was my first time seeing the national offices of our denomination, the PCUSA. I was so encouraged to be a part of this diverse group of moderatos, all agreeing to serve not for pay but out of love for our church body. I left Louisville with an even deeper appreciation for what it means to be a Presbyterian. Our church body has been ordaining women since Dwight Eisenhauer was President, and we continue to extend our welcome to more and more people. This Sunday, our church will welcome a diverse group of new members who have discovered that they too belong. When we say, “You Belong” at Covenant, we are not merely speaking of our church, but of a divine love that makes space for us all. You belong at Covenant, and you belong in this world God has made. This is your home. You belong here. I am so grateful to have found a home in the Presbyterian Church, and I am honored to be your pastor. Now I am honored to be the Moderator of our Presbytery as well. Thanks be to God!
Yesterday, I was elected and installed as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Scioto Valley for 2025, and Covenant served as host church. What a blessing! After 8 years of ordained service in this Presbytery, I am honored to help lead our 86 churches over the next year. In preparation for this undertaking, I went to the Moderator’s Conference at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville last week. This was my first time seeing the national offices of our denomination, the PCUSA. I was so encouraged to be a part of this diverse group of moderatos, all agreeing to serve not for pay but out of love for our church body. I left Louisville with an even deeper appreciation for what it means to be a Presbyterian. Our church body has been ordaining women since Dwight Eisenhauer was President, and we continue to extend our welcome to more and more people. This Sunday, our church will welcome a diverse group of new members who have discovered that they too belong. When we say, “You Belong” at Covenant, we are not merely speaking of our church, but of a divine love that makes space for us all. You belong at Covenant, and you belong in this world God has made. This is your home. You belong here. I am so grateful to have found a home in the Presbyterian Church, and I am honored to be your pastor. Now I am honored to be the Moderator of our Presbytery as well. Thanks be to God!

Posted in Belonging, Leaders, Serve
Posted in Presbytery, church, moderator, Joel Esala, ordaining, women
Posted in Presbytery, church, moderator, Joel Esala, ordaining, women
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